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Gilles Paquin (1977)625 views

Karinn Martel (Former Toronto Optimist and Seneca Optimist)625 views

Ed Nanni is the announcer (Leaside, 1961)625 views

Seneca Optimists on the bus624 views

Preston Scout House (Port Clinton, Ohio, 1952)623 views

Seneca Optimists (1977)623 views

John Giblin with Merritton Buccaneers622 views

MOOG (Magnificently Organized Optimists Games, begun in 1969) at Centre Island, and something was happening in the background...622 views

Corrie Branton and Dave Phillips621 views

Seneca Optimists warming up (Colorado, 1977)621 views

Seneca Optimists (1976)620 views

Oakland Crusaders (1977)620 views
14207 files on 1184 page(s) |
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