Last comments - Optimists Alumni and other corps (until 2015) |

London Midlanders Alumni (Oshawa, 2011)280 views08/10/11 at 20:55Anon:

L-R: Brian Adam, Bill Kane, Brian Collingdon, Mike Lang...Optimists Alumni leaving the field (Sudbury, 2011)243 views08/05/11 at 04:11Doug: What a mean-spirited comment by )

L-R: Brian Adam, Bill Kane, Brian Collingdon, Mike Lang...Optimists Alumni leaving the field (Sudbury, 2011)243 views07/24/11 at 03:30:o): This is the summer mini corps.

Kevin Matthew, Jim Gardiner, Reg Densmore, Dave Bruce, ?, ?, K-W Hot Jazz Ensemble (Simcoe, 2011)349 views04/21/11 at 09:02Vern Johansson: Between Kevin and Dave are Jim Gardiner (former Ga...

Some of the attendees (Dick Brown Celebration, 2010)249 views12/08/10 at 23:55Anon: Gaelen Swartz, Mike Thys, John Jones, Doug MacKenz...

Brian Hogan, Jane Giblin, Sue Hogan and Debbie Bruce (Rochester, 2010)183 views11/30/10 at 19:19Brian Hogan: Jane Giblin.

Optimists Alumni (Dick Brown Celebration, 2010)225 views11/17/10 at 23:24FR: An ethereal quality in this shot!. One of my faves...

Jan Forsythe and Chelsea Brown (Dick Brown Celebration, 2010)279 views11/16/10 at 19:41Brian Hogan: Chelsea Brown

Al Lapointe, ?, Bob Owen (standing), Jim Dwyer, Pat Bell & Janice Dwyer (Dick Brown Celebration, 2010)222 views11/16/10 at 19:39Brian Hogan: The guy on the left is Al Lapointe (Debi's hus...

Optimists Alumni (Fred Johnson Memorial, 2010)326 views10/31/10 at 22:48BPennell: What a wonderful tribute to a life well lived!

Optimists Alumni (Fred Johnson Memorial, 2010)326 views10/31/10 at 21:34Cathy Johnson: Thank you very much for everything and taking the ...

Retreat: Optimists Alumni (Toronto, 2010)221 views10/15/10 at 20:22One of Many: I'm really missing the lack of daily photo add...
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