Last comments - 2009 |

Optimists Alumni (Oshawa, 2009)275 views01/08/17 at 20:32Bob Carell: L-R: Dave Johns. John Parkinson, Debbie Bruce and ...

Joe and Margaret Gianna (Christmas Social, 2009)255 views10/26/16 at 11:05Midge McKellar: Our favourite Canadians. xxxxx (from Australia) :...

Mel Dey (Christmas Social, 2009)366 views10/14/14 at 01:561 GREEN: The Legion prepaired a nice meal thanks to Ladies ...

Optimists Alumni (Waterloo, 2009)191 views03/26/10 at 07:10Ditto:

Optimists Alumni (Waterloo, 2009)191 views03/26/10 at 04:09rod: Wow!!!! what a well oiled machine.....brings tears...

Don Daber and Mel Dey (Christmas Social, 2009)364 views03/03/10 at 10:11P.J.H.: The Contra section will never sound the same. The ...

Don Daber and Mel Dey (Christmas Social, 2009)364 views03/02/10 at 22:40See ya!: Mel retired from active Alumni duty this past Sund...

Mel Dey (Christmas Social, 2009)366 views03/01/10 at 19:28:o): Go easy on those mashed potatoes Mel

Mike Thys & Doug MacKenzie, Simcoe United Alumni (Oshawa, 2009)262 views01/05/10 at 22:35Anon: Mike Thys and Doug MacKenzie with Simcoe Alumni at...

Jan Forsythe and David Johns (Christmas Social, 2009)286 views01/02/10 at 23:30Rick Tracey: Kids in back, girls- Allora & Mary Douglas, bo...

Brian Collingdon, Sue Roberts, Gord Brown, Ron Chong, Bob Carell, Jack Roberts (Rochester 2009)301 views10/08/09 at 09:37Linda Purgas: Good to see a photo of Jack and Sue. Thanks for al...

Optimists Alumni, DCA, Rochester (2009)245 views09/08/09 at 02:08OLD ONE: Mellophone section l to r . Bob--Len--Ron--Rick--P...