Last comments - Other Corps (mostly Canadian) |

Peterborough Krescendos (1977)289 views01/03/08 at 16:34Doug Smith: Can anyone identify this Drum Major?

Northstar from Kitchener-Waterloo (1977)278 views12/22/07 at 10:01Mhairi: Sue Reynolds Taylor

Doug Huras, Northstar from Kitchener-Waterloo (1977)461 views12/14/07 at 19:25Mhairi: Doug Huras - also marched in Seneca Optimists

Flying Dutchmen (1976)972 views12/14/07 at 02:42anon: LOL

Flying Dutchmen (1976)972 views12/13/07 at 11:08Mark: Marty's not smilling ... That's his "...

Jason Lidstone (sabre), Brad Gruber (rear) and Karen Whitelaw (Canadian Flag), Northstar from Kitchener-Waterloo (1977)383 views12/10/07 at 05:48anon: wow,this is me(jason Lidstone) with the saber, DOU...

Cindy Mcleod, Oakland Crusaders (1977)396 views12/09/07 at 01:47Doug Smith: The Canton Bluecoats are in the background.

Cindy Mcleod, Oakland Crusaders (1977)465 views12/08/07 at 13:50anon: This looks like Cindy Mcleod,used to be on the Dut...

Flying Dutchmen (1976)404 views12/08/07 at 13:22anon: Thats Bruce Witmer,first Baritone

Flying Dutchmen (1976)972 views12/08/07 at 13:20anon: RIght to Left..... Allan Thomsen,my bro Marty Lids...

Flying Dutchmen (1976)972 views12/07/07 at 22:57Mark: Mark Lewis (half of me anyway), Kim Poser, Marty L...

Cindy Lemmon, Cardinals (1977)405 views12/05/07 at 20:21Mhairi: Cindy Lemmon
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