The Toronto Optimists' Photo Gallery

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Last comments - Other Corps (mostly Canadian)
Grantham (Windsor, 1960)303 views10/01/16 at 04:22Bob Carell: Is that Rick Robida playing baritone on the left?
Michael Power Knights (Canadian National Guard Championships, 1968)283 views01/05/16 at 08:38Bob Carell: Dave Lang with black hair is fourth from the right...
Anne Marie Stolte, Cardinals (1977)710 views08/24/15 at 04:03Paula Villary: Yes this is Anne Marie Stolte! Very Happy
Jim (J.J.) Bryden, Cardinals (1977)467 views08/24/15 at 03:57Paula Villary: This is Jim (J.J.) Bryden - Married to Paula Vill...
Lorraine Blue, Cardinals (1977)596 views08/24/15 at 03:55Paula Villary: This is Lorraine Blue Laughing
PJ Paterson (the mascot), Hans Boehnke, ? and ? of St. Mary's plus a couple guys from Del (East York, June, 1958)289 views08/06/14 at 07:26Bob Carell: This photo, the photo of Scout House and the photo...
PJ Paterson (the mascot), Hans Boehnke, ? and ? of St. Mary's plus a couple guys from Del (East York, June, 1958)289 views08/06/14 at 07:16PJH: Same location as Scout House photo ?
Ronn Prokop & Archie Van Dyke (Conqueror talent night, 1962)545 views07/31/14 at 05:52Bob Carell: Ronn played snare with Optimists and instructed Co...
St Catharine Majestics (1978)350 views06/13/14 at 06:18Don Smylski: Some Pictures were from 1973, '74 & '75....
L to R: Ed, Vic, Andy, Bill, John, Tom, Lloyd & Vince: Commanders on retreat (Nationals, Montreal, 1966)363 views05/31/14 at 18:30Best Guess: Last two names should be Lloyd and Vince - not Nor...
L to R: Ed, Vic, Andy, Bill, John, Tom, Lloyd & Vince: Commanders on retreat (Nationals, Montreal, 1966)363 views05/27/14 at 08:08ed law: last tenor drummer is LLoyd Francis
L to R: Ed, Vic, Andy, Bill, John, Tom, Lloyd & Vince: Commanders on retreat (Nationals, Montreal, 1966)363 views05/25/14 at 22:01Ed,aw: Vince Bruni
671 files on 56 page(s) 4