Last comments - Other Corps (mostly Canadian) |

Seneca Princemen (1972?)338 views10/18/09 at 06:29Linda: Ivor Wynne Stadium September 2, 1972; new astrotur...

Royal Canadian Engineers Trumpet Band ? (1961)1171 views09/09/09 at 23:49RICK ALLEN: They were the Royal Canadian Engineers Trumpet Ban...

Oakland Crusaders (1977)430 views09/01/09 at 14:48drew canning: wayne saunders on the left, doug darwin on the rig...

Scarborough Firefighters (1969 or '70)472 views09/01/09 at 14:37drew canning: got a ride with him once and learned about high sp...

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)386 views09/01/09 at 14:29drew canning: this is 71 look at the flags

Seneca Princemen (1972?)442 views09/01/09 at 14:15drew canning: the year is 72. the flags are the key to the year

Oakland Crusaders, DCI Prelims (1977)491 views09/01/09 at 13:54drew canning: Took 1st overall in drums but did not make finals

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)353 views09/01/09 at 13:25drew canning: solo from "time of the seasons " I think...

Ivor Bramley & the guard of the Trafalgar Patrolmem (CDCA Conference, 1963)492 views08/18/09 at 05:19khusrau: It looks like Gene Chepswick and maybe Bill Hannah...

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)353 views08/18/09 at 02:24Chopper: Yup and the Suprano Soloist out front is John Phil...

Drum Majors on retreat (1961)720 views07/28/09 at 20:01FR: Try the Niagara Wine and Grape Festival??

Drum Majors on retreat (1961)720 views07/25/09 at 06:56khusrau: I don't know who won since I have no idea wher...
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