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Seneca Optimists (1976)509 views04/27/10 at 18:23Curious: How did the 25th guard recruitment meeting go?

Seneca Optimists (1976)509 views04/25/10 at 09:24Linda: l-r rifle line Maureen, Kim, ?, ?, Sherry, ?

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)379 views04/24/10 at 01:52chopper: Yup 1st year in junior A last year of the big four...

Toronto Optimists (1960)256 views04/22/10 at 07:53pjh: The year is 1960.

Some of the guys: L-R: Bus driver (?), Paul Thompson, Brian Houghton, Ron Cooper and maybe Bill Hannah's head (1965)476 views04/09/10 at 21:29Anon: Agree_A. Henderson

Some of the guys: L-R: Bus driver (?), Paul Thompson, Brian Houghton, Ron Cooper and maybe Bill Hannah's head (1965)476 views04/09/10 at 18:21Anon: Andy Henderson on the right?

Toronto Optimists (1961)224 views04/09/10 at 01:04pjh: The year is 1961

Some of the guys: L-R: Bus driver (?), Paul Thompson, Brian Houghton, Ron Cooper and maybe Bill Hannah's head (1965)476 views04/08/10 at 19:54Brian Hogan: Looks like Ron Cooper in the back and Paul Thompso...

Toronto Optimists (1970)614 views04/02/10 at 16:28Anon: Sop player on left is Dwight Angus

Seneca Princemen (about 1972)368 views03/30/10 at 08:18Linda: snare l-r Paul McCourt, Rod Patterson, short tenor...

Jesters (Rochester, 1961)282 views03/30/10 at 07:45Anon: These uniforms were so sharp!

Optimists Alumni (Waterloo, 2009)192 views03/26/10 at 07:10Ditto:
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