The Toronto Optimists' Photo Gallery

Photos of the Toronto Optimists, the Seneca Optimists, the Optimists Alumni and many others!

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Guelph Opti-Knights (1969)422 views06/22/13 at 04:32Dianne Amos: I was a member of Guelph Opti Knights in the early...
Alex Glover, Mel Dey and Bill McNabb in 1962 ad for sweatshirts & T-shirts627 views06/17/13 at 19:19OMM: Sort of getting the hang of it.
Toronto Optimists (1971)260 views06/17/13 at 18:32Brian Hogan: The anchor in "Victory at Sea".
Alex Glover, Mel Dey and Bill McNabb in 1962 ad for sweatshirts & T-shirts627 views06/16/13 at 18:13Bill Thorne: No time for retirement; still working part time an...
Alex Glover, Mel Dey and Bill McNabb in 1962 ad for sweatshirts & T-shirts627 views06/13/13 at 21:55:o): How's retired life treating you so far?
Optimists Alumni (Oshawa Exhibition, June 1, 2013)262 views06/11/13 at 03:50Bob Carell: The old drums are rather heavy for some of our dru...
Optimists Alumni (Oshawa Exhibition, June 1, 2013)262 views06/06/13 at 06:21Bill Thorne: And where were all of the old ones?
Optimists Alumni (Oshawa Exhibition, June 1, 2013)262 views06/04/13 at 04:18Bob Carell: Our new drums have not yet arrived.
Optimists Alumni (Oshawa Exhibition, June 1, 2013)262 views06/04/13 at 04:04Bill Thorne: Why the mismatched drums?
Toronto Optimists (1958)281 views05/31/13 at 18:16Awesome: Love these vintage photos - keep 'em comin�...
Racine Scouts (1966)301 views05/30/13 at 22:19Alan Karls: That's 1966, the only time we were in Rooseve...
Life on the bus (about 1963)479 views05/29/13 at 18:04Mike: Can we put some names to faces?
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