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Toronto Optimists (Windsor, 1960)262 views10/04/16 at 02:07Mel Dey: You're right about Warren. Al Morrison (4th ...

Toronto Optimists rehearsing at the CNE (1964)386 views10/04/16 at 01:10JDM: "Whitie" is actually Bert Hofflick.

Toronto Optimists (Windsor, 1960)262 views10/01/16 at 04:23Bob Carell: Looks like Warren Berger playing soprano in the fr...

Grantham (Windsor, 1960)303 views10/01/16 at 04:22Bob Carell: Is that Rick Robida playing baritone on the left?

L-R: Glenn Copp's father with Bernie and Mary Beer (1961)628 views10/01/16 at 01:01JDM: L to R: Mr. Copp, Bern Beer, Mary Beer

Toronto Optimists coming off the field (Falconer, NY, 1960)300 views09/30/16 at 21:56JDM: First Squad: Warren Berger, Ken Nakagawa, ? ; 2nd:...

Toronto Optimists indoor practice (1964)255 views04/24/16 at 06:55Bob Carell: R-L: Frank Mendicino, Vern Johansson, Gene Chepswi...

Michael Power Knights (Canadian National Guard Championships, 1968)283 views01/05/16 at 08:38Bob Carell: Dave Lang with black hair is fourth from the right...

Anne Marie Stolte, Cardinals (1977)710 views08/24/15 at 04:03Paula Villary: Yes this is Anne Marie Stolte!

Jim (J.J.) Bryden, Cardinals (1977)467 views08/24/15 at 03:57Paula Villary: This is Jim (J.J.) Bryden - Married to Paula Vill...

Lorraine Blue, Cardinals (1977)596 views08/24/15 at 03:55Paula Villary: This is Lorraine Blue

Toronto Optimists rehearsing at the CNE (1964)386 views08/17/15 at 22:12Bob Carell: L-R: Roman Perohanycz, Ed Walsh, Brian Houghton, B...
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