The Toronto Optimists' Photo Gallery

Photos of the Toronto Optimists, the Seneca Optimists, the Optimists Alumni and many others!

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Optimists Alumni rehearsing (July, 2017)197 views08/03/17 at 07:22Bob Carell: Lorne Ferrazzutti, Judy Ferguson, Rick Shearer, Do...
Barry Bell and other Optimists in the stands (Rochester, 1960)244 views07/23/17 at 22:13Bob Carell: L to R, F to B: Bernie Beer, Barry Bell, Ed Nanni ...
Bill Thorne, Joe Gianna and Ted Shaw, Toronto Optimists (Rochester, 1960)238 views07/22/17 at 00:12Mel Dey: Ted Shaw (to Joe's left)
Pat Wilson from Peterborough, "City" magazine article1063 views06/30/17 at 11:17Patrick Wilson: I was 19 when this picture was taken
Boston Crusaders (Great Circus Parade, Milwaukee, WI, 1964)204 views04/21/17 at 20:41Mel Dey: Wow! Marvelous "Old Skool" drum corps.
Ted Key, Ambassadors' Drum Major, receives trophy (Nationals, Montreal, 1966)249 views03/07/17 at 22:25JDM: Drum Major is Ted Key, Canada's Marching Amba...
Alan Acron, Ray Roussel, Dennis Roussel, Marcel Smolinski, Wayne Dean, George Wright, Dave Hibbits, Bob Christie, Phill Bellavance, Bill Andrews, Paul Thompson (probably 1967)938 views02/27/17 at 05:50Rick Roussel: i believe that the question mark is a guy named Ph...
Hamilton Viscounts (Niagara Falls, 1960)332 views02/22/17 at 08:28Frank Yamaguchi: This is the Hamilton Viscounts
Larry and Marion Beer, Bernie Beer's son & daughter (1962)268 views02/16/17 at 01:00JDM: Larry and Marion
Mighty St Joes (1967)362 views02/14/17 at 10:42Jerry Cintron: Pic far left 4 bari's YR - 1967 - 3 pics in t...
Toronto Optimists rehearsing (Shell Tower, Toronto, 1964)260 views01/17/17 at 10:32Bob Carell: L-R: Brian Houghton, Doug Shearer, Dave Harris(?),...
Toronto Optimists rehearsing (Shell Tower, Toronto, 1964)243 views01/17/17 at 10:24Bob Carell: L-R: Roman Perohanycz, Gord Roberts, ?, Archie Van...
1876 files on 157 page(s) 15