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Toronto Optimists playing Concert (Varsity Stadium, Toronto, June 1962)686 views11/15/06 at 23:51Anon: the junior int. lost by .36 to the Cadets!

745 views11/13/06 at 23:22Burr: The half person is actually Kevin (Houtner) Gilcre...

Debbie Miller (1977)748 views11/13/06 at 21:40Wendy: Debbie WITH Parachute

L-R: Wanda Roberts, Pauline Kenney, Lynne Oram, Darlene Sciore, Linda Bailey, Michelle North, Audrey Harkness987 views11/13/06 at 12:36Wendy: l-r Wanda Roberts, Pauline Kenney, Lynne Oram, Dar...

MOOG (Magnificently Organized Optimists Games, begun in 1969) at Centre Island, and something was happening in the background...622 views11/13/06 at 10:05Mhairi: This looks like the MOOG Games at Centre Island......

Ron Bell, Seneca Optimists628 views11/13/06 at 09:57Mhairi: Ron Bell, proudly serving in our Armed Forces in K...

Michelle North606 views11/13/06 at 09:56Mhairi: Michelle North mugging for the camera

Seneca Optimists rehearsing519 views11/13/06 at 09:55Mhairi: Sandy Douglas

Mhairi and Darlene728 views11/13/06 at 09:54Mhairi: Me and Darlene

Shawn McCullough and Glen Schofield574 views11/13/06 at 09:53Mhairi: Shawn McCullough and Glen Schofield lurking....

Ken Sokoll, Ray Bassett, Shawn McCullough681 views11/13/06 at 09:52Mhairi: Ray Bassett telling Ken Sokol which part is the va...

745 views11/13/06 at 09:51Mhairi: Ken McCormick, Audrey Harkness,Darlene Sciore and ...
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