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L-R: Jamie Oatt & Dave Burgess, Rehearsing at St Mikes (2007)302 views06/13/07 at 00:53OADC # 63: LMAO It DOES look like a fishing tr...

Paul Thompson (either demonstrating something or just making faces)261 views06/13/07 at 00:50OADC #63: Is that a "Raspberry" or is that some ne...

L-R: Jamie Oatt & Dave Burgess, Rehearsing at St Mikes (2007)302 views06/12/07 at 15:38James: Does anyone know what they are trying to do? It lo...

Rick Robida, Mel Dey (Simcoe 2007)300 views06/08/07 at 02:40Mel Dey: I thought we were supposed to remove our shako'...

George Wright (Simcoe, 2007)261 views06/08/07 at 02:37Mel Dey: George really does know how to wear his cinch

Susan Roberts (May, 2007)331 views05/31/07 at 14:27Anon: "Super Sue"!!

Scout House Alumni (Waterloo 2006)232 views05/30/07 at 22:51suan: we have way better legs!

Susan Roberts (May, 2007)331 views05/30/07 at 17:24anon: who says you can't make a silk purse out of yo...

The Cooper brothers, Ron, Steve and Rick, at Keating Park635 views05/17/07 at 02:34susan: where in the H_LL are the cooper brothers when you...

Les Diplomates de Québec (1963)815 views05/16/07 at 08:20Marcel Perrier: Heureux de voir cette photo qui rappelle de bons s...

Optimists Alumni (St Pat's parade, 2007)239 views05/16/07 at 07:57Perrier Marcel: Intéressante photos, je suis moi-même photograph...

Optimists Alumni (Simcoe, 2007)315 views05/15/07 at 20:17Randy Cochrane: Beautiful!!!
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