The Toronto Optimists' Photo Gallery

Photos of the Toronto Optimists, the Seneca Optimists, the Optimists Alumni and many others!

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Joel Alleyne, Oakland Crusaders' Drum Major (1976)874 views06/26/07 at 22:58Anon: One of the "best ever" Drum Majors!!!
De la Salle, off the line (1961 Nationals)491 views06/26/07 at 06:53BAC1968: Off the line Nationals Sept 1961
Dawn Canning (1976)674 views06/26/07 at 01:40Doug Smith: Taken at Ivor Wynne Stadium, Hamilton in the summe...
Seneca Optimists on Retreat in Simcoe, ON, Oakies in background (1978)545 views06/25/07 at 20:05Mark: Yup, it's Simcoe. I remember we finally had a ...
Seneca Optimists on Retreat in Simcoe, ON, Oakies in background (1978)545 views06/25/07 at 20:01Anon: I'm very sure that this is in Simcoe, ON
Optimists Alumni (Welland, 2007)378 views06/21/07 at 15:37Anon: Nice shot!! Look at the dressing and those horn a...
Optimists Alumni (Welland, 2007)235 views06/21/07 at 00:08OADC # 63: Lookin' good, Brian!!
L-R: Jamie Oatt & Dave Burgess, Rehearsing at St Mikes (2007)302 views06/18/07 at 03:57WBOC: maybe - but I think Jamie's being modest and D...
L-R: Jamie Oatt & Dave Burgess, Rehearsing at St Mikes (2007)302 views06/18/07 at 03:21Will Knott: I think they are both discussing the size of somet...
L-R: Toby Frechette & Bob Keenan (2007)698 views06/14/07 at 20:08susan: is it a bird, a plan? what are you looking at???
L-R: Bob Carell & Dave Kirton (2007)379 views06/14/07 at 05:49Anon: Twins??? Very Happy
Clare Reid selling promo stuff (Simcoe 2007)309 views06/14/07 at 02:53Gaelen: Clare looks like he is really freaking bored there...
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