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Optimists members: Cheryl Miller, Janet Lynch, Mary Ferriman , Debbie Miller (1972)745 views03/06/08 at 12:32Wendy: This is most definitely Cheryl and Debbie Miller (...

Seneca Princemen (1972)536 views03/06/08 at 00:58chopper: name changed but people stayed the same.....this ...

Seneca Princemen (1975)801 views03/06/08 at 00:54Rod Patterson: was after my time, but I thought when Oaklands joi...

Scarborough Firefighters Button282 views03/06/08 at 00:31chopper: the original logo had the dog carrying a drum get ...

Optimists members: Cheryl Miller, Janet Lynch, Mary Ferriman , Debbie Miller (1972)745 views03/06/08 at 00:25Rod Patterson: in black and white this could be optimist or scarb...

Al Tierney in his judge's unform (1976)297 views03/05/08 at 18:42Doug Smith: Taken on Aug 1/76 at the Simcoe ON Fairgrounds.

Linda Purgas (former Firefighters & Princemen)357 views03/05/08 at 18:41Doug Smith: Taken on Sept 4/76 at the Nationals at Seagram Sta...

Kelly Churchill, St. John's (1976)399 views03/05/08 at 18:38doug Smith: Taken on Aug 1/76 at Simcoe, ON Fairgrounds.

St. John's (1976)406 views03/05/08 at 18:37Doug Smith: Taken on Aug 1/76 at Simcoe, ON Fairgrounds.

St. John's Brantford (1976)548 views03/05/08 at 18:37Doug Smith: Taken on Aug 1/76 at Simcoe, ON Fairgrounds.

St John's (1976)355 views03/05/08 at 18:35Doug Smith: Taken on June 12/76 at Seagram Stadium in Waterloo

St. John's (1976)336 views03/05/08 at 18:34Doug Smith: Taken on Aug 1/76 at Simcoe, ON Fairgrounds.
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