The Toronto Optimists' Photo Gallery

Photos of the Toronto Optimists, the Seneca Optimists, the Optimists Alumni and many others!

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Mike Williams, Seneca Optimists Drum Major (1977)929 views03/08/08 at 19:48Doug Smith: Taken at corps camp at Flesherton on May 23/77.
Rick Jemmett, Seneca Optimists (1977)452 views03/08/08 at 19:47Doug Smith: Taken at corps camp at Flesherton on May 23/77.
Phil McArthur, Seneca Optimists (1977)426 views03/08/08 at 19:47Doug Smith: Taken at corps camp at Flesherton on May 23/77.
Dave Woodcock, Jim Kane, Rod Hoffman, Seneca Congas (1977)667 views03/08/08 at 19:46Doug Smith: Taken at corps camp at Flesherton on May 23/77.
Sandra Konstantinou, Seneca Optimists (1977)518 views03/08/08 at 19:45Doug Smith: Taken at corps camp at Flesherton on May 23/77.
Rehearsing in the Dome (Feb. 2008)204 views03/08/08 at 19:45OADC # 63: Looking good, Terry!!! Cool
Keith Gallacher, Seneca Optimists (1977)553 views03/08/08 at 19:45Doug Smith: Taken at corps camp at Flesherton on May 23/77.
Shaun McCullough (?), Seneca Optimists (1977)596 views03/08/08 at 19:42Doug Smith: Taken at corps camp at Flesherton on May 23/77.
Seneca Optimists (1976)507 views03/08/08 at 19:42Doug Smith: Taken at corps camp at Flesherton on May 23/77.
Seneca Optimists, Darlene Sciore (1977)752 views03/08/08 at 16:30Doug Smith: Taken at corps camp at Flesherton on May 23/77.
Optimists members: Cheryl Miller, Janet Lynch, Mary Ferriman , Debbie Miller (1972)745 views03/08/08 at 05:07Chopper: there was actually three Debbie millers two march ...
Optimists members: Cheryl Miller, Janet Lynch, Mary Ferriman , Debbie Miller (1972)745 views03/07/08 at 08:02Linda: Janet Lynch was in both corps (not sure), good on ...
1876 files on 157 page(s) 103