Last comments - Scarborough Firefighters |

Scarborough Firefighters (1972)454 views04/23/11 at 21:33rod: that actually 1972 Bob Lemon and Scoras are on sn...

Scarborough Firefighters (1970)453 views04/11/11 at 08:28Linda: l-r snares Paul, Rod, Bruce, Jim, tenors Dave, Dav...

Scarborough Firefighters (1970)453 views03/18/11 at 01:04chopper: check out those drum hights

Scarborough Firefighters championship crest (1965)301 views12/11/10 at 21:53chopper: Wow!!!!!! I remember this!!!! it was put on black ...

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)376 views04/24/10 at 01:52chopper: Yup 1st year in junior A last year of the big four...

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)353 views02/12/10 at 02:59Rod: I don't think so we were on an angle for that

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)386 views09/01/09 at 14:29drew canning: this is 71 look at the flags

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)353 views09/01/09 at 13:25drew canning: solo from "time of the seasons " I think...

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)353 views08/18/09 at 02:24Chopper: Yup and the Suprano Soloist out front is John Phil...

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)351 views06/27/09 at 21:42Linda: March 13, 1971 Ontario Individuals-Drum quartet 1s...

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)351 views06/27/09 at 20:00chopper: should mention this picture is probably 71 Fire Fi...

Scarborough Firefighters (1971)351 views06/26/09 at 19:46Chopper: Paul McCourt,Bruce McCowan,Rod Patterson,Jim Sutto...