Most viewed - Our members marched with... |

Jesters (1962)723 views

Grantham Police Boys Band (with Jack Roberts) (late 50s)702 views

Bill Jay, DM and the Bantam Optimists (1962)690 views

Golden Monarchs (1963)680 views

Steel City Ambassadors (Roger Rafson's previous corps)669 views

Optimist Lancers (1972)665 views

The Vics from Montreal (1963)656 views

Leaside Lions "Jungle Kings" (about 1957)642 views

Etobicoke Crusaders (1973)631 views

John Giblin with Merritton Buccaneers621 views

7th Toronto Artillery Trumpet Band, Dufferin Race track (1955)598 views

Don Mills Sky Raiders (Nationals, Galt, 1958)595 views