Last comments - Those who have gone |

Doug McPhail (Rochester, July 1, 1961)322 views11/17/20 at 07:05khusrau: This was Doug's first, and only, time as Drum...

Al Miller (Fenelon Falls, 2010)234 views10/25/16 at 05:30Bill Thorne: A good guy and loyal corps mate! He will be missed...

Al Miller (1961)272 views10/25/16 at 00:45Maureen: So sorry to hear of Al's passing. He was one...

Mel Dey, Paul Thompson and Bob Owen (Cambridge, 2004)406 views01/22/15 at 05:14Bill Thorne: I knew Paul at his beginning and my end in Optimis...

Mel Dey, Paul Thompson and Bob Owen (Cambridge, 2004)406 views01/20/15 at 05:29Mel Dey: Paul came after my time back in the 60's (jus...

Carol Munro with the Lancers402 views06/02/14 at 02:03Judy Ferguson: 1971 awards: Marty King (Bugler of the Year), Rodd...

Gene Chepswick (about 1962)344 views03/19/12 at 02:31Fran: He loved his white & red heart briefs

Andy Henderson (1965)388 views03/01/12 at 07:51MB: I have such happy memories of time spent together ...

Doug McPhail651 views09/11/11 at 22:58Anon: Doug was my cousin and I am very happy to see thes...

Ben Burrage (1972)597 views07/08/11 at 08:22Sally: This wonderful man was my Dad.

Gary Corbett (glasses) in a parade (circa 1964)575 views12/03/09 at 08:56John Gibson: I was is "Rookie' ( SLAVE ) IN 64. He was...

Scott Cumming524 views12/16/08 at 00:57drew canning: I marched with him and knew him well. He will be m...