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Barry Bell & Bernie Beer inspect corps (1960)235 views12/20/17 at 09:17p.h.: This photo was taken in 1960 Barry was not D.M. in...

Glenn Copp and Brian Williams, Toronto Optimists (Rosedale, 1961)199 views12/18/17 at 19:35JDM: Glen Copp and Brian Williams

Bob Brown, Dick Ward, Dave Watt and Al Lavigne (1961)235 views12/15/17 at 23:21Mel Dey: remaining ?, Al Lavigne

Toronto Optimists Guard wearing flat-top hats and a few guys from Skyliners (St Catharines, 1963)240 views10/16/17 at 05:10Bob Carell: I think the corps had gotten new shakos but not al...

Eric Burton, colour guard instructor (1961)256 views09/23/17 at 08:25j.h.: The person is Eric Berton colourguard instructor

Hans Boehnke, John Shearer, Neil Ibitson, Al Morrison, maybe Ross Cation and Len Perrin (Dress-down parade, 1961)226 views09/14/17 at 20:06Mel Dey: Best guess for remaining ?-Ross Cation (french hor...

Hans Boehnke, John Shearer, Neil Ibitson, Al Morrison, maybe Ross Cation and Len Perrin (Dress-down parade, 1961)226 views09/11/17 at 18:49JDM: Third guy in from the left is Neil Ibbitson

Bill Thorne, Joe Gianna and Ted Shaw, Toronto Optimists (Rochester, 1960)238 views09/07/17 at 17:21Bill Thorne: ? is a very young Bill Thorne holding Ross Colvill...

Toronto Optimists on Retreat (Metro Championship, Varsity Stadium, 1962)299 views08/31/17 at 09:28Bob Carell: Jim McConkey then L-R: Ron Kaiser, Ronn Prokop, Vi...

Barry Bell and other Optimists in the stands (Rochester, 1960)244 views07/23/17 at 22:13Bob Carell: L to R, F to B: Bernie Beer, Barry Bell, Ed Nanni ...

Bill Thorne, Joe Gianna and Ted Shaw, Toronto Optimists (Rochester, 1960)238 views07/22/17 at 00:12Mel Dey: Ted Shaw (to Joe's left)

Ted Key, Ambassadors' Drum Major, receives trophy (Nationals, Montreal, 1966)249 views03/07/17 at 22:25JDM: Drum Major is Ted Key, Canada's Marching Amba...
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