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Toronto Optimists on the Street (Bowling Green, Ohio, 1973)938 views12/22/06 at 21:20Larry Blandford: 1972, Doug and Paul were gone, Thats Fat Boy, we g...

The Guard (1967)692 views12/22/06 at 21:14Larry Blandford: That is me with the Optimist Flag, 1967 my rookie ...

Appears to be concert at the 1962 Nationals501 views12/20/06 at 06:10MD: "You better bleed on that finish line"

Drum Majors at the Big 10 Show (Hamilton, 1972)744 views12/14/06 at 18:15Anon: Wasn't Bob Duggan overage then....on the far right...

Toronto Optimists (1970)923 views12/13/06 at 00:36Brian Hogan: Looks like those two judges would forget which cor...

Toronto Optimists on retreat (1960)904 views12/11/06 at 05:57Bill Ukas: The order of the line is Clark, Prokop,Williams, H...

Toronto Optimists (1970)421 views12/01/06 at 18:00Brian Hogan: I think it might be '70....looks like George Tamak...

Toronto Optimists (1970)923 views11/22/06 at 20:11Jim Kane: Norm Cardwell (Brown Jacket)Writing a book!

Toronto Optimists (1970)923 views11/22/06 at 20:09Jim Kane: Side Drums R to L Dennis May, Me, Dana Burrage, ...

Opti wins 1968 Circuit Guard Championship927 views11/22/06 at 07:05bill grigg: 1968 I was marching with the commanders but my hea...

Toronto Optimists playing Concert (Varsity Stadium, Toronto, June 1962)685 views11/15/06 at 23:51Anon: the junior int. lost by .36 to the Cadets!

Mike Arsenault, drum major leads the Optimists (1971)394 views11/06/06 at 21:29Larry Blandford: Yes, That is Mike
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