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Last comments - Toronto Optimists
Doug MacKenzie (soloist) and Vern Johansson (DM) (Shriners International. Toronto, 1966)1284 views02/10/08 at 08:32Wendy: I always loved this shot. Vern looks sooo hot in ...
Doug MacKenzie (soloist) and Vern Johansson (DM) (Shriners International. Toronto, 1966)1284 views02/10/08 at 08:15chopper: fell in love with the Kiltes and Chatanoga choo ch...
Toronto Optimists (1962?)551 views02/07/08 at 06:51JDM: Baseball diamond? Port Hope?
Prior to "Big 10" in Hamilton (1972)439 views02/07/08 at 06:43Anon: I think the instructor with his back to camera was...
Parade on Yonge Street (1960?)866 views01/03/08 at 20:39FR: This is coming south on Yonge St, from College, Ea...
Parade on Yonge Street (1960?)866 views12/27/07 at 23:35pjh: I think this would be 1960, a victory parade up Ba...
Corps inspection (1958)889 views12/04/07 at 18:54Phil: This photo is 1958 in the U.S.A.
Corps inspection (1958)889 views12/02/07 at 21:11Bill Thorne: The more I look at this photo, the more I think th...
phils cd 014.jpg
Mr Baggs plus ?, ? on the bus482 views11/26/07 at 03:01Phil: The picture was take in Sept 19, 1959. Can any...
Corps inspection (1958)889 views11/25/07 at 08:57Phil: Yes your right Bill that is Bob Brown
Indoor Show (1961)361 views11/13/07 at 21:43Bill Thorne: continuation: switched to contra. I also played co...
Indoor Show (1961)361 views11/12/07 at 19:19Bill Thorne: In60 and 61 we carried 3 bass baritones (played th...
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