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Last comments - Toronto Optimists
Toronto Optimists mini-corps (Hull, QC, 1963)397 views08/22/10 at 03:40Bill Grigg: Marched cymbals in the mini corps Very Happy
Off the Line, Lawrence of Arabia (CNE, 1963)447 views07/06/10 at 09:24khusrau: Final Scores at the 1963 CNE contest: Optimists: 8...
Off the Line, Lawrence of Arabia (CNE, 1963)447 views07/06/10 at 00:40Anon: This I believe was the one time that summer they d...
Steve O'Connor, Steve Shimski, Ric Brown, Don McDonald, Peter Price (1975)593 views06/28/10 at 05:25Don: This was a great time in my youth
Toronto Optimists' first Loss to Del (CNE, 1961)940 views06/25/10 at 21:12FR: Well that was just "Sour Grapes"
Toronto Optimists' first Loss to Del (CNE, 1961)940 views06/25/10 at 18:35khusrau: If I recall correctly, Del also won the 1961 Grape...
Toronto Optimists' first Loss to Del (CNE, 1961)940 views06/25/10 at 18:15FR: We also lost in the prelims at the Nationals In Wa...
Toronto Optimists' first Loss to Del (CNE, 1961)940 views06/24/10 at 21:27Anon: So does anyone out there know was this the only lo...
Phil Hennings and other drum majors (including Jolly Jesters) on retreat (New York - Canadians, Rochester, 1960)465 views05/12/10 at 17:58Anon: These DM's look like senior corps. NY state so...
Phil Hennings and other drum majors (including Jolly Jesters) on retreat (New York - Canadians, Rochester, 1960)465 views05/07/10 at 17:38???: Names of the other DM's Question
Phil Hennings and other drum majors (including Jolly Jesters) on retreat (New York - Canadians, Rochester, 1960)465 views05/07/10 at 07:49P.J.H.: This picture was taken in the U.S.A. 1960
Toronto Optimists (1960)254 views04/22/10 at 07:53pjh: The year is 1960.
435 files on 37 page(s) 17