Last comments - We Remember |

Gene Chepswick (about 1962)344 views03/19/12 at 02:31Fran: He loved his white & red heart briefs

Ben Burrage (1972)597 views07/08/11 at 08:22Sally: This wonderful man was my Dad.

Bill MacMillan (1966)507 views09/23/08 at 05:45Mickie: Thanx for the memories

Ron Cook (Rosedale, 1961)443 views08/27/08 at 19:44pjh: I believe this is Ron Cook.

Roman Perohanycz (1960)807 views11/08/07 at 01:46Bill Thorne: He also had a really neat 54 Ford Sunliner 2 door ...

Dave Watt (about 1965)493 views11/07/07 at 05:25Bill Thorne: Can't be 64 since contras aquired for the 65 s...

Vic Sciore (Score) Sr598 views07/05/07 at 07:15Doug Smith: A real class guy!!!!!!!

Vic Sciore (Score) Sr598 views01/08/07 at 09:50Karinn: ...and Trixie

Derek Branton (1973)839 views09/19/06 at 18:15karinn: he taught me how to march when i joined in '73. :...

Tim Burrage (1976)754 views08/06/06 at 08:04JJ: HOW SAD TO HERE OF TIMS PASSING. #53 WAS A TRUE AN...

Tim Burrage (1976)754 views06/15/06 at 02:03Rod Patterson: I knew Tim when he was a cymbal player with the Sc...

Ian Robertson (1960)701 views04/16/06 at 08:20Phil: photo 1959