Last comments - 1971 |

Toronto Optimists (1971)369 views07/30/06 at 08:32Gord Parrott: Sorry! your probable right. Viewing other p...

Toronto Optimists (1971)369 views07/30/06 at 08:17Gord parrott: I think this photo was taken 2 or 3 yr,s later, i ...

Bob Burman, Mellophone Solo in Caravan; Paul Thompson conducting the Optimists (CNE, 1971)507 views07/20/06 at 22:37FR: Not Andy, not in '71

Bob Burman, Mellophone Solo in Caravan; Paul Thompson conducting the Optimists (CNE, 1971)507 views07/18/06 at 04:11:o): Is that Andy Henderson (DM) ?

Bob Burman, Mellophone Solo in Caravan; Paul Thompson conducting the Optimists (CNE, 1971)507 views07/18/06 at 02:13BB: I belive that this picture of Bob is him playing t...

Toronto Optimists (1971)293 views06/06/06 at 17:08Brian Hogan: 1971 - Male flag line - rifles are L to R: Gerry M...

Toronto Optimists (CNE, 1971)301 views05/23/06 at 21:47Brian Hogan: Think this is '71 - no girls.