Last comments - 1961 |

Retreat (Leaside, 1961)283 views07/22/09 at 17:46FR: That would be a correction....Andy Henderson and A...

Retreat (Leaside, 1961)283 views07/21/09 at 18:17Fan: I believe that's Al and Chuck on rifle. Proud...

Ed Nanni is the announcer (Leaside, 1961)622 views12/07/08 at 19:14pjh: The announcer is Ed Nanni a former member of The O...

Toronto Optimists (1961)228 views11/24/08 at 19:48Anon: That is one TERRIFIC looking guard

Toronto Optimists, Bob Cook Colour Guard Captain (1961)313 views08/29/08 at 22:14pjh: The Colour Guard Captian is Bob Cook brother of Ro...

Barry with the corps, CNE (1961)288 views07/25/08 at 21:26khusrau: And Barry's head is on the right, surrounded b...

Barry with the corps, CNE (1961)288 views07/25/08 at 21:17Bill Thorne: The white jacket is Bernie Beer, not Barry Bell.

Toronto Optimists, on retreat (CNE, 1961)277 views07/22/08 at 18:08Mel Dey: Guard commander_Mike Layton?

Toronto Optimists, on retreat (CNE, 1961)277 views07/21/08 at 19:09pj: Who is the colour guard captian?

Toronto Optimists, on retreat (CNE, 1961)277 views07/19/08 at 01:34Anon: What a break for Del it rained just as they were a...

Toronto Optimists, on retreat (CNE, 1961)277 views07/17/08 at 17:38Anon: Note that bayonets are locked and loaded An...

Indoor Show (1961)360 views11/13/07 at 21:43Bill Thorne: continuation: switched to contra. I also played co...