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Last comments - 1960
Ivor Bramley tossing his rifle (waiting to leave at waterfront, 1960)297 views03/03/18 at 07:17Bob Carell: In the background is the old Toronto Postal Delive...
Toronto Optimists at the Hamilton Armouries (1960)433 views02/28/18 at 04:18MD: I believe we were going to upstate N.Y. somewhere ...
Toronto Optimists rehearsing (Falconer, 1960)265 views02/28/18 at 03:12MD: Al Miller (St Lawrence Seaway_Port of Toronto) and...
Glen Durish, Darleen Prokop (Ronn's sister), ?, ?, members of Opti and girlfriends (Falconer, 1960)339 views02/26/18 at 22:48Mel Dey: Glen Durish, Darleen Prokop (Ronn's sister), ...
Toronto Optimists warming up (Grape Festival Parade, Welland, 1960)343 views02/26/18 at 21:39MD: Al is beside Andy (Port of Toronto flag)
Toronto Optimists warming up (Grape Festival Parade, Welland, 1960)343 views02/26/18 at 02:19Bob Carell: Yes, Andy and Al carried flags in 1960.
Toronto Optimists warming up (Grape Festival Parade, Welland, 1960)343 views02/25/18 at 22:13MB: Colour Guard: Is that Andy and Al?
Toronto Optimists warming up (Grape Festival Parade, Welland, 1960)343 views02/24/18 at 06:32Bill Thorne: 1960 Grape Festival! October in St. Catherine'...
Barry Bell & Bernie Beer inspect corps (1960)235 views12/20/17 at 09:17p.h.: This photo was taken in 1960 Barry was not D.M. in...
Bill Thorne, Joe Gianna and Ted Shaw, Toronto Optimists (Rochester, 1960)238 views09/07/17 at 17:21Bill Thorne: ? is a very young Bill Thorne holding Ross Colvill...
Barry Bell and other Optimists in the stands (Rochester, 1960)244 views07/23/17 at 22:13Bob Carell: L to R, F to B: Bernie Beer, Barry Bell, Ed Nanni ...
Bill Thorne, Joe Gianna and Ted Shaw, Toronto Optimists (Rochester, 1960)238 views07/22/17 at 00:12Mel Dey: Ted Shaw (to Joe's left)
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