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Last comments - Recent photos of Alumni Corps members
James Burgess (2007)509 views10/11/07 at 03:32Anon: Agreed!! We could use more just like him!! Very Happy
James Burgess (2007)509 views10/10/07 at 17:53old 58: It's good to have young people in the Corps li...
Jason Filipchuk, Ron Cottrell, Mel Dey (Lindsay, 2007)422 views10/09/07 at 18:21Phil: Your right Mel it is Lindsay
Jason Filipchuk, Ron Cottrell, Mel Dey (Lindsay, 2007)422 views10/09/07 at 17:22Mel: Looks more like Lindsay
The Sudbury Crew: (L-R) Terry Sologuk, Chris Sologuk, Steve Lambert (May 2007)383 views09/16/07 at 21:12Susan Roberts: Thank you for adding your terrific sound to the co...
James Burgess (2007)509 views09/09/07 at 23:30OADC #72: Thanks!
James Burgess (2007)509 views09/09/07 at 20:09OADC #63: Looking mighty fine, Son!! *A Proud Dad* Smile
Phil Hennings & Gary Tones, Scout House Alumni DM (Waterloo, 2007)774 views09/03/07 at 21:27Anon: Nope!! Phil was getting the price on green shorts...
Phil Hennings & Gary Tones, Scout House Alumni DM (Waterloo, 2007)774 views08/29/07 at 23:22Anon: Is Phil being recruited by Scout House?? Shocked
Mark Blandford (2005)519 views08/26/07 at 07:55karinn martel: wow mark you look pretty much the same. the corps ...
Karen Bosworth (May, 2007)400 views08/26/07 at 07:48Anon: karen you look great. it was awesome seeing you la...
Terry and Chris Sologuk (Lindsay, 2007)354 views08/17/07 at 00:23OADC #63: Agreed!! Dedication and talent are an awesome com...
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