March On! ...the history of the
Toronto Optimists Drum & Bugle Corps
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Gord Robinson

Corps: Toronto Optimists
While he was not “officially” on staff, Gord was a key member of the Toronto Optimists’ organization. As the Recorder for the Rameses Shrine Temple Gord was the man that offered the Shrine facilities for our use, back in 1965, when the Corps was looking for a permanent Winter home. Gord was always a welcoming host and he did everything he could to make the Corps comfortable in what we now know as the Canadian Legion.
Almost single-handedly Gord was responsible for organizing Canada’s greatest Drum Corps Spectacular, the Shrine Contest, held each June at the C.N.E. Stadium in Toronto. At last Canada got to see the best U.S. Corps available competing against the best in the Canada. While it was a tremendous opportunity for both fans and players, many Optimists felt that he did it for us. This show was such a success in the Drum Corps world that it became as famous as the Dream or any other Contest one could name.
When Gord wasn’t looking after these events he was out at almost every rehearsal. Whether it was driving guys to shows, carrying water, speaking at the Corps dinners or whatever task was needed Gord was always there. For many of us who came from out of town Gord provided accommodation, meals, transport and even the odd loan, when needed. Gord’s dedication to the Corps went far beyond the day to day life of Drum Corps helping out Optimist members in every way that he could. If ever there was a true believer in the Optimist Creed it was Gord Robinson and he is missed.
Gord. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We Remember!